More Humm Time and Free LÄRABARS!

Raise your hand if you have taken time to Humm in the last few days. Although I’ve been beyond stressed at work, I found myself actually smiling after my swim at the pool this afternoon- my first swim in a few months. Maybe it was the recently-cleaned-and-clear pool water (our pool has been closed for a month!), or maybe it was feeling fast even though I haven’t put two strokes together since the fall. Could it really have been the crowded lanes and sloppy swimmers in the fast lane!? (probably not) My guess? I knew what I had waiting for me after the swim: a chocolate hazelnut Jocalat LÄRABAR on the top shelf of my locker. All the crowded lanes and bumping and water-up-the-nose and itchy eyes from the over-brominated pool were erased when I sunk my teeth into that delicious bar.

Want to win a box of these?

Alright, now raise your hand if you’re doing a good job at being gluten-free on a budget. No? Hmm… Well, now’s your chance. What’s better for a budget than FREE? A few weeks ago, I asked LÄRABAR if they’d be interested in sponsoring a blog giveaway on my site. Since they are my go-to snack food as it is, I wanted to share the love with my fellow training peeps and inter-web friends. Lucky for me (and- well – I guess you!), they said yes! Today arrived the big brown box from Denver, Colorado, adorned with stickers and filled with tasty treats. But before we get to that… here’s some info about the company, their products, and why I love them so!

You may be asking yourself: Why does she think LÄRABAR is such an awesome food? Well, even before I went gluten free, it was my go-to mid-day snack when I’m at the office (Jim’s Foodmart in Houghton has boxes of ’em and its just a few blocks from campus). My mom stocks me up every time she sees me (bonus!). And they don’t give me crazy stomach problems when I have one within an hour before working out (double bonus!). They are as satisfying as a Snickers (maybe even moreso) with just a quarter of the ingredients list. Aside from the fact that all I ate at Ironman Madison this year were peanut butter and jelly LÄRABARs (my #1 favorite flavor, made with dates, peanuts, unsweetened cherries, and salt) and Honeystinger Chews [and the fact that I didn’t have any GI issues whatsoever on race day], the food is, well… it’s food. It’s real, wholesome ingredients, and most of the bars are made from three or four ingredients. I like to call it my brain food.

Brain food

LÄRABAR is gluten free, but that’s easy enough for them to do when their product is made out of dates, unsweetened cherries, and almonds (Cherry Pie, my #2 fave). Want to have a healthy snack, but craving something sweet? Try a Jocalat bar (German chocolate cake, anyone? All organic ingredients, made with dates, pecans, almonds, unsweetened chocolate, coconut, EV Coconut Oil, and cocoa powder). Beats ice cream every night for dinner (at least, that’s what your jeans will tell you).

Never had a LÄRABAR ? Along the same whole-food-health-nut lines I follow, LÄRABAR believes that what we eat is healthiest and most satisfying when it’s in a whole, natural state. Since LÄRABAR is truly a Humm food (says so on their website!), they are perfect for my first blog giveaway.

More cool lil’ facts about LÄRABAR products:

  • All their products are gluten free. Every single one. I said that already.
  • All their products are dairy free, too.
  • Soy free. Ditto!
  • All products are vegan and kosher.
  • No GMOs here. Nep. Nada.
  • Jocalat bars are made peanut-free in a peanut-free facility (although they can’t guarantee their products didn’t come in contact with peanuts before they came to the factory)

Jocalat comes in six delicious flavors

So now that you have a good idea of what these real-food food-bars are all about, let’s get to the fruit and nuts of this dish (pun totally intended).

The challenge: Tell me about your last great humm time or your favorite humm food (give me a shout-out in the form of a comment on this blog post).

The reward: You’ll get entered into a raffle to win a box (16 delicious bars!) of a variety pack of LÄRABAR Jocalat. FOUR lucky winners will be chosen at random. Perfect time for training builds, mid-afternoon-snacking, and (OH YEAH) Valentine’s Day (betcha forgot that holiday is fast approaching, yeah?).

Want to chat about this contest on your own blog (because that would be awesome)? Well, if you do, you get a bonus entry (use this link to direct people back here, or else I won’t know you talked about it). Tweet about it (and let me know using @megankillian in your tweet), and you’ve got another shot at winning. In other words, you could get yourself three entries into this awesomely sweet (and nutritious) contest.

What is your favorite flavor?

Since I want the winners to get these delicious treats before V-Day (just in case you want to share them with your sweet-heart with a healthy heart), I’m going to draw winners on February 1st during my mid-morning LÄRABAR snack time.

Each person to enter will be assigned a number. I’ll use to pick the four winners!

Ready to win some sweet treats? Start humming!

FTC Disclaimer: LÄRABAR provided me these boxes, full of free Jocalat bars, to give away on my blog

About megankillian

Assistant Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery at the University of Michigan. I love biomechanics!

Posted on January 22, 2010, in In Training. Bookmark the permalink. 49 Comments.

  1. a weeklong hike at Pictured Rocks with my 8th grader son. Amazing views and some great father son time.

  2. Toss my name in the hat! I typically don’t run across many bars that are peanut-free, and that’s a no-no for this allergic-to-peanuts gal. My last humm moment? Tuesday, after a good run and a killer weights session. It hurt, but so humm! 🙂

  3. I’m going to write about a humm time to come. I, too, am going to haul my butt back to the pool, which I’ve been out of for a solid month at this point. I’ll sing “Three Little Birds” by Bob Marley and “While You Were Sleeping” by Elvis Perkins to myself as I get through my 1,650 warmup, and will be in total meditation-in-motion mode by the time I start my sets. Hummmm.

  4. Count me in! I’m not real sure what defines a “humm” moment, but by the sounds of the already posted responses, I would have to admit i was pretty nervous after Meg talked me into this crazy half ironman next summer, but noticed yesterday (after a solid 3 wks in the gym) that I’m getting that sweet quad muscle back! *smile* hummmm…. And have also dug back into my old breakfast friends, the magic bullet and whey protein. *another smile* humm… And have absolutely every reason in the world to delve into almond bark covered strawberries for dessert whenever I want! *biggest smile of all*

    Keep up the motivation, woman! 🙂

  5. I love Larabars! I buy them at Costco by the case. 😀

    My last Humm moment? I’d have to say last Sunday, sitting in the sunshine in Phoenix, listening to the post-race concert with good friends after finishing my first marathon.

  6. Great contest. I love the traditional bars, but I have never had the Jocalat bars.

    My last Hummm moment came during a general run with friends in the local park. It was just so quiet a peaceful but surrounded by great people.

    After runs, my go to food is Odwalla green juice with a shot of protein. Really quite good. I also have Larabars at my desk

  7. Excellent contest! I hope I have a shot (since one of the last times I entered a raffle where EVERYONE wins, I was picked dead last).

    I’ve got two humm times for you.

    First, in summer of 2008 I went for an early morning run around Lake Tahoe Rim Trail with a camera and a water bottle. Not only did I get some great shots, but I felt a calm that only comes while running.

    Second was actually just this morning. I’ve been dealing with an injured hamstring since September, and haven’t had many runs since then. This morning I covered five miles for the first time in months… and it was great!

    Again, great contest!

  8. Megan – great contest! Too bad they are made with other nuts ;-<

    I am desperately in search of bars made without almonds, walnuts or peanuts. And with the progression of sensitivities may just plain rule out all nuts to be safe (and allow an occasional lapse without too much worry).

    Latest Humm moment (just cause – don't enter me!): last nights sauna – 190+ degrees of bliss, interspersed with time spent in an adirondack chair stuck in a snowbank, cooling off while staring into the distance and letting the mind empty.

  9. Love Larabars!!!! Especially the texture.
    Lets see, the last time I hummed was yesterday morning in the shower after my friday morning run. I have GREAT accoustics in my shower so i usually do a full on produciton full of singing, humming and even clapping for percussion. Friday’s song was ‘Poker Face’ by lady gaga. very catchy tune!

  10. MMMMMMM!!!! Please enter me!!

  11. I’ve had a couple of good Humm times these past couple of days. I was getting pretty run down in training, so yesterday I just took it easy and found myself NOT thinking about running for a change! That rest prepared me for an awesome hilly run today complete with a beautiful sunrise hitting the mountains…Humm!

  12. I’m hummin’ today for sure! Ran my first race since the Denver marathon last October. Have been rehabing an overuse injury and finally feeling good enough to run a 4-mile race. I thought 8-min pace would be my top-end if all went well and I ran 7:53 pace and leg felt great! So I’m definitely hummin’! (full race report is on my blog.)

  13. Hey Megan — this is one of your TMT teammates from Madison ;). Last good humm moment? Probably when Jess and I went xc skiing last weekend. I haven’t been humming much lately b/c of a leg injury though. 😦

  14. Hi Megan! Keep up the great blog. I really enjoy reading about your adventures in the Keweenaw. I really miss being up there since I graduated from Tech in 97.

    Check out my blog for some “humm”

  15. Cool giveaway, Megan!! I love Larabars! My Humm food lately, is homemade chocolate almond butter. So good!! Hummmmmmmmmm.

  16. Our family loves Larabars! Our humm time these busy days is in the afternoon when the baby is napping and the rest of us curl up with a good book (or movie). Check out the quick post at

  17. My last humm time was definitely after my amazing 23k ski last Saturday. New friends, sunshine, fast snow and 40 degree temps on the shores of Lake Superior. My favorite humm time is finishing epic 3+ hour mountain bike rides in the Copper Country. Snacks (including Larabars), PBR and an icebath in the lake afterward are a must! 🙂

  18. My best humm moment is today, Sunday, relaxing with my husband and two adorable cats. We’re enjoying the day and each other. Nothing better than that! Larabars rock!

  19. SO many times this weekend. We just spent the weekend at a bed and breakfast. The best was the 3 hour ski at the Flathorn Lake trails. Just wide enough trails for one lane of classic and absolutely lovely. We stopped several times just to look around at all the pretty.

  20. Yeah! I Love contests!

    I’ve linked to you at this address:

    Today was my first good run in almost a month. I have been rehabing a psoas strain and I decided rather than slipping on ice I would go run in the Superior Dome. I had on my fave shoes, Brooks Cascadians, shorts and a tee. I warmed up slow and even stretched out my hips. I ran my first lap and felt-out my body(just where was I today?). Doing Good I continued. My first mile was fast somewhere around 8 minutes which is a Personal Best. I normally trail run so I was thinking maybe this is my time for smooth concrete. (I was running the outer edge of the Dome not the track). I ran over 4 miles all around the 8 min/mi. I sang the theme song to the Biggest Loser on my cool down, “What have you done today to make you feel proud!?” Humm Baby!

    I iced. My Rectus Femoris, a bit too tight. I might not be tracking normally. It’s okay.

    I am adjusting to eating Gluten Free. My biopsy is Feb 9th. My bloodwork came back suggestion Gluten Intolerance. I have a shiny new red toaster and a cupboard to keep my gluten free items in. The change over, and Mike having a different diet and set of desires–expensive. But I am finding new fave foods.

    In my new red shiny toaster I made Van’s Blueberry, (Gluten, Dairy and Egg-free) with fresh ground co-op Almond Butter and a sprinkle of raisins. It makes the perfect breakfast, lunch or snack. I can pair it with a smoothie, too! It is my new humm food. I can sing, “I can do this!” A jazzy happy tune that makes me want to wiggle and run.

    So the healing process continues and as I adjust to a gluten free lifestyle I know the muscle spasms will decrease, my inflammation will decrease and my injuries will be rare (right, we can hope).

    –Kim 🙂

  21. Humm time: Always my run time. Whether it be on the treadmill or out in this frigid cold! My last run was on Saturday. Half by myself and half w/ the pooch. It was cold and quiet outside! Me and my thoughts. No screams (kids) or demands for mommy! Wonderful wonderful Humm time and so easy to repeat!

    I also posted here:

  22. Humm time: most days it can be as simple as slipping on my shoes and heading out the door for a run, but if i had to pick one, just one, it would be finishing my first 100 miler. As I crossed the finish line, I was like that is more moving forward..the goal was reached

  23. Hummmm moment yesterday: foot of powder, good friends, beautiful scenery. Hummmm! Yummy larabars, pick me pick me!!!

  24. My last humm time was yesterday while I was knitting.

  25. My last “humm” moment occurred during an overdistance ski last Wednesday – sometime after the 2-hour mark, the tiredness and outright pain faded away and I became acutely aware of both the motions of skating skating skating along and of the sound of my skis. Beautiful and sublime.

    • I guess you gotta get over that pain threshold to get to humming during skiing. I am not usually out there long enough 😀

  26. My favorite humm moment: my last race when I turned off the brain and let my body take over the endurance part of the run. It was pure peace and tranquity.

  27. Lara Bars are the best!

  28. So excited for this chance to win Larabars…I ♥ them!!

    My last hummm moment was yesterday….after completing my first brick workout and feeling strong and confident once it was over!!

    Guess what I ate for desert last night….chocolate coconut Larabar..yummy!!!

  29. My most recent hummm food would have to be red chile butternut squash enchiladas. Amazing!

    And I think my most recent hummm moment was last night I was nursing my sleeping 11.5 month old daughter before I went to bed. Nursing her is always a hummmm moment. There is something so powerfully simple about my body providing wholesome nourishment for my baby. I love it!

  30. My hummm moment was shared with my 16 year daughter when she climb her first (not mine) 14er in Colorado this past summer! It was a picture perfect day!

  31. I must be honest, I haven’t had a hum moment in awhile so i think I’m VERY DUE for one. Maybe a bit of an attitude adjustment will require that!
    Yay for Lara bars. I can eat ANYTHING, but those are yum yum yummy!

    Happy training 🙂

  32. My last humm time was probably the other day when I got to run outside and I passed a 76-year old man who told me he’d done like 13 5 ks last year. Seeing him out there working hard to get started on another year just made me so happy and grateful to even be able to run even though I’m not very fast.

  33. So glad you started following me on twitter – however that came about – because otherwise I never would have found your blog!!

    My last humm moment was when I found out Gear West signed on to be one of our team’s sponsors!! But I bet I’d be hummmin’ even more if I found a box of Larabars on my doorsteps!

  34. Never really had a Larabar, can’t wait to try them…

  35. Since I stopped eating gluten, I started eating LaraBars. They are great!!!

    My last humm moment was probably last weekend when I went for my first run with the duathlon training team. Just ran with everyone and had a great time. First good run I’d had in awhile.

  36. My last humm moment was this morning, having planned my speedwork session on a quiet rode, woke up to find it was snowing and the roads were a mess…humm, what to do instead? Treadmill 800 repeats…..

  37. Last Humm moment was riding the chairlift with my beautiful wife two weeks ago.
    Small mountain and a short day, but large on life and tall on love.

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