Category Archives: taper

What's wrong with this picture?

My guess is the driver didn’t have a case of the Taper.

I have been reading a lot of blogs about “my A race is approaching, its time for taper, OMG WTF! ROFLCOPTER!” and I am not sure what the big deal is. I personally like tapering. I put in the training, it was hard; Now I get to bank on the fact that, no matter what I did for training, there’s nothing I can do now in that department to make me race any faster.

At this point, do I want to go for a long run? Not really.

Do I want to ride up Brockway four times until I puke? Not particularly.

Would I rather be doing a 120 mile road ride this weekend, followed by a 5K tempo run off the bike? Um, gonna have to pass.

I’d rather be splish-splashing during an open water swim than putting my head down and heading for the dock that is a mile away. I’d rather be cruising nice-and-easy on my bike with my cadence up than hammering out hill after hill until my quads burn like battery acid.

I want to race. The race is the reward for all that hard work. I want to take all this stored energy that has been filling up my legs for the last week, and put it toward something fun. I want to compete, get in the zone. I don’t want to run for 4 hours and think about all the stressful things that are popping up in my life. I just want to focus on something that I love to do.

And in all honesty- sometimes, I really enjoy just sitting around and not doing a damned thing. Call me lazy, I don’t care. I feel like a kid who grew up without TV, standing in the electronics dept of Walmart, just staring at the moving pictures on the flat screens. I zone out, and sometimes, that is absolutely what I need.

So my feet have been up, my diet has been EXTRA-safe, and I’m enjoying reading a book for once (and it’s a real book, not a sciency-book; well, I guess it is as real of a book that the Sookie Stackhouse vampire saga can be). Of course, I am not eating as much as I do when my training blocks are building up, but I’m not as hungry. And at this point I would rather sleep in until 8 than get up at 6am for several thousand yards in the pool.

Maybe I am the crazy one?