Category Archives: Larabar

Larabar FitKit Giveaway Winner!

The winnings!

I had nearly 60 entries for this awesome contest, but only one lucky winner was picked. Everyone was assigned a number based on when they commented or tweeted or blogged (whichever came first). generated for me a random number between 1-59.

The Larabar Fit Kit Giveaway winner is:

Nancy! Here’s her entry:

Nancy, on December 3, 2010 at 9:09 am said:Pick me! Pick me! Loves me some Larabars. 2010 was a bust for me due to injuries, so I’m really hoping the running gods will shine on me in 2011.

She also had a bonus entry because she tweeted, but it was her comment on the post that got her the win! Lucky #12!

Congrats Nancy!